Ivan Moore Bacon Wright II

Yeah, I plan on moving my entire living room around whenever I drag the wheel out to use it. Makes more since than having a Daytona USA cab in the living room (or 4 linked together, like a friend of mine has at his home).

Are they "$100" good?

Yes, you are correct. They were not discontinued in 2007, but that is when the first version was discontinued in favor of an improved, yet visually identical model. I can't find the date when they were discontinued altogether.

Do you have a racing wheel? Because of Daytona and also Forza 4, I'm trying to get my hands on one of the Microsoft ones that were discontinued in 2007. Everyone seems to think they're worth $150 or more, even though they sold for $99 when new. :P

Didn't we already determine that they are very hard, if not impossible, to find stock? They are cheap, and the go-fast parts are cheap. A Camaro + a few hundred in performance parts is enough to beat a 'Vette. What's not to like?

Well I am, and I can tell you from experience. I've been in some fast cars in my life. One of the fastest, scariest rides I've ever been on was in the passenger seat of a modified, '87 Z/28 that my buddy picked up for around a grand. This was in 1997 and it was faster than my dad's brand new C5 'Vette, which cost

There's that word again! Heavy. Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there something wrong with the Earth's gravitational pull?

Notice the fold-down arm rest built into the seat. Next.

I don't understand. You guys don't have mandatory drivers' education before being licensed to drive? Do people just line up and buy their license at Wal-Mart (or the NZ equivalent thereof?)

Yes, I can confirm that it was done long, long ago. I had a 73 El Camino with factory swivel seats.

DeLoreans are timeless. Don't be a hater.

It was a PRV-6, which stands for Puegeot, Renault, and Volvo.

Cheap. Fast. Duh.

How/why is the mileage so low? Are you the original owner?

Your first reason rings pretty true for me. In first person games, I play up is up. But in third person games, I prefer inverted.

Oh cool! Now I know that this happened in my town. Now I'm going to flick off every Google driver I see around here.

Just don't divorce a lawyer.

Someone please photoshop a burger going into the mouth of the chick with all the shit in her face! And a Hot Pocket for the one on the left, who looks a little pudgy for a vegetarian.

When your space program's symbol is a half-ass knockoff of a Star Trek symbol, your monkeys are not going to space.