Ivan Moore Bacon Wright II

What front end did you use? Any advice you can offer? I'm hoping to put together a MAME box for a friend's gutted arcade cab.

Then read about games instead of commenting on articles about random Japanese girls. What's wrong with you?

He has loads of writing experience, he obviously loves Trek (as evidenced on his cartoon shows), and he's been a character on Enterprise. Give him a chance!

Oh yeah, I just tried that and found it quickly as well. How do you get Google to give you the lat/long?

Heheh, thanks. I thought that was the most appropriate facepalm, due to the OP's user name.

Cool! How'd you find it?

Maybe second most populated... right behind all the video game news related posts.

I'm going into this with an open mind, so it sounds like I might enjoy it. I just want to be able to appreciate something different.

Yeah, I don't really play anything with fantasy themes (aside from Zelda) so this will be a first. I've given a few FF games a chance over the years, but never played more than 2 hours into the games. I'm all about Halo! :)

12 is the only one I've ever really played. That was recently, and I did not enjoy it after 2 hours.

Ordered it yesterday. I was very patient, but I found it new on ebay for $6.50 + 3.50 shipping.

This does not bode well. As far as I can tell from past conversations, you and I have pretty similar taste in games. But I'm going to give it a chance anyway. I really want to like FF.

It's included.

I remember Atari's F-1 game. It was some kind of electro-mechanical pre-video game. It projected the images of cars going around a track. I don't know how it worked, but damn it was fun at the time!

I'm not an RPG fan (well except for F3 and NV), but I said screw it - I'm gonna play FF XIII because it's only $10 and it looks nice. What am I getting myself into?

(Takes a swig of Jim Beam from the bottle)

No, but you could start by not clicking on articles that say Portal Gun right in the title.

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of a drinking game?

No way! You touch it.