Ivan Moore Bacon Wright II

I never generalized PS3 owners as mindless fanboys. Congrats on the spectacular reading comprehension fail. Crawl back to your hole.

The word 'hate' is the only thing that got me going. Enjoy all games!

Invade? I'm a mother fuckin' Jalop, having an on topic discussion! Where's your star, hmm???

I was wondering if the President was a fanboy because it wasn't exactly clear, and after discussing with him I came to the conclusion that he is not. For what it's worth, you hit several old-timey PS3 fanboy talking points.

Whoa, no need to get testy. I was just wondering where the "hate" was coming from, especially since you seem to be genuinely interested in the game.

Glad to know you just have exceedingly high standards. You don't hate leather. You just hate all the cheap bullshit that is dictated by the bean counters. I can get behind that line of thought.

Does "deal with" = "play"?

I'm confused. Do you hate Xbox? Or would you buy one if you had $300? Which one is it?

Hopefully you won't miss out on a great game because you chose to be a fanboy.

If that's not what Zelda's all about, I don't know what is!

If you were any dumber, we'd have to water your stupid ass.

Good luck, if you are not joking. I bet it's hard to find a nice one anymore.

GM's new take on cars as suppositories?

Is it the fact that it's low grade leather on a gussied up Golf? Or is it all leather in all vehicles?

So, you don't believe in voodoo. Might as well touch the damn grave then.

Hope they have a really big toaster oven!

You lost me at leather. What are you, some kind of hippy?