Sounds like the drinking age in Tallahassee is 21 for regular students (and non-students) and 17 for FSU football players.
Sounds like the drinking age in Tallahassee is 21 for regular students (and non-students) and 17 for FSU football players.
She’s an obvious P.E.D. case, just like Lance Armstrong was. Look at her next to Venus sometime. Nobody in this sport continues dominating into their 30’s like this.
Not going to be under 10K
Thats because your knowledge of anatomy is limited. Ive trained with plenty of bodybuilders including Mr and Mrs Universe and anyone training long enough with people on roids and you can differentiate fit, ripped, massive, gymnast bodies and roided or not. Having that muscle mass in a highly aerobic sport is damn near…
So underage players who shouldn’t be in bars to begin with are now banned from being in the bars they shouldn’t be in?
They will be able to attend publix and the cafeteria with a team chaperone, sources say.
“Henceforth, if you’re going to drunkenly beat the shit out of a woman, do it at a private residence that is not equipped with recording devices. We can make these issues go away as long as there isn’t video evidence. I suspect with this bar ban in effect, I’ll have to kick far fewer players off the team.”
They also considered instituting a ban on hitting women, but they didn't want to go overboard.
No, it means that she looks like a man a makes for an ugly woman.
Griffin got hurt after he was drafted, not before. There was no cause for concern when the Clippers drafted him, so there’s no similarity there.
Is your stance that Embiid should have gone undrafted?
Or hide from drug testers.
It matters little to them, but man what could they have had if they hadn’t taken him? Of course, Hinkie isn’t concerned with winning so it doesn’t matter.
Embiid’s story is shockingly similar to those of Greg Oden or Sam Bowie.
There was also a NY Time piece saying how Maria Sharapova could beat Serena with a body like Serena’s but prefers to look like a woman.
Technology and conditioning completely ruined tennis, something John McEnroe predicted, when graphite racquest came into the sport.
there’s a sizable amount of idiots who automatically decide that not liking a black athlete = you hate black people. it’s fucking ridiculous and annoying