
Hey, if Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Al Franken can win elections, George Clooney is a shoo-in! Much more popular and likable than Trump too.

Michelle Obama.

My best friend’s boyfriend believes all these racist homophobic hateful acts have been perpetrated by liberals to get attention. I would love to send him a living document like that.

Jez should create a living document of all these stories. There are already hundreds and it’s been four days.

I can’t find the tip “line” and I’m sorry, but white women capitalizing on black lives matter with $4 safety pins on Etsy is just gross.

Thank you also. But President Pence, ack!

Some of them are. Some, like you said are too busy gloating. But four years is a long time. We’ll see how lovey-dovey these whackjobs feel towards this man if he fails to come through on everything he promised them.

Yes, but at the same time, in a weird way, stories like this give me hope. These choices are going to piss off his base. They were promised “change” and “swamp-draining”, but that isn’t what they are going to get.

It’s like every person you hate assembling to form an Asshole Voltron.

Say what you will, his dismantling of the Constitution will be quick and efficient. He managed to attack freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all inside of 140 characters.

My kid is obsessed with anything scary (he’s 7) and I HATE it. We don’t watch scary movies, we don’t tell spooky stories, I have actually really made a point to avoid all things monsters because he has nightmares and won’t sleep alone. But I feel like he’s this type of kid and it bothers me so much. :-(

Next year they’ll be choosing a president.

Congrats, you typed a thing an asshole would type and then didn’t have the presence of mind to re-read it, think to yourself “wow this might be a thing an asshole would type” and delete it.

This is beautiful. And brave for a teacher at a private school. I wish we could clone you and put you in more classrooms. Good luck, keep fighting the good fight.

I told my 4 year old son, through tears, on the drive home yesterday what had happened. I said “Hon, Hillary didn’t win the election yesterday. Donald Trump won and he is going to be president.”

I’m a high school teacher at a conservative boarding school in Virginia. Here is the letter I wrote to my (mostly Trump-supporting) students.

His minions craved a strong dose of keeping it real followed by a chaser of telling it like it is- they didn’t realize the side effects included insanity, evil, loss of their fellow humans’ respect and death.

The most awesome thing about this is how much damage it will do to the people who actually voted for this person.

I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.

Of course, anyone who is an “other” who is asking for equal treatment is trying to take away from white patriarchy. People really should just wait to campaign for equal rights until a more convenient time. /s