
I’m here with my girlfriend wondering, do we get married before January, while we still can? Will it mean anything? Will it make things worse for us when that man takes office if we’re legally married, or will we get to keep those rights if we do it? Fuck. This isn’t how we should have to make these decisions.

You still have time. Go get a marriage license tomorrow!

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

I’m here feeling your pain.

Welp, in early November 2000 I sat in a room with other housing rights activists and laughed about the prospect of GW Bush being elected. W figured it could NEVER happen. When people on this blog said “Trump ain’t winning” I knew all too well that anything was possible when you put working class white people on the

White women voted in favor of Trump 53 to 43 according to exit polls. White men aren’t alone in causing this mess. White women were right along with them as usual.

Exactly. Well white men just showed they don’t give a fuck.

My dad just posted on my fb wall, cheer up, have a good day at work (I live in England so it’s morning for me), life will go on <3

To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.

I was going to write a long thing but I drank my sorrows away. I’m so ashamed. Me and my family are fucked. This wasn’t just about red vs blue, real shit was on the line. I’ve never felt so hopeless.

To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...

This trash heap is yours, America. I hope you drown in it.

If you haven’t seen it, look up Van Jones’ remarks from tonight about how race factored into this election. He refers to it as a “whitelash”. It was as much about fighting back against a broken political system as it was the conservative white population fighting back against the great strides we’ve made around

Trayvon Martin.

I just told my boyfriend that I loved him a couple days ago. He said it back. I wonder if we’re still able to get married if it comes to that. I’m heartbroken on a thousand different issues.

Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.

eight years ago to the day, i thought anything was possible...now, i think, everything is lost.

Solidly in the greys, but since the only way I’ve been able to survive this election cycle is by reading Jez, I just wanted to say thank you. To all of you. And will enjoy the Live Blog tonight.