Here she is! Or it’s one of them, anyway - I think there might be a couple of ‘em.
Here she is! Or it’s one of them, anyway - I think there might be a couple of ‘em.
I also don’t understand everyone with their “ugh just dump Jay already” she literally made a whole album about her path to forgiveness and it’s just so beside the point.
This album destroyed me, and now this review says everything. THANK YOU.
It would have been better if when Kylie finally turned around her face was a decrepit ghost and she lunged at the camera and killed Rob.
Man, more power to any new mom who can get an hour or two to herself (or out with her husband, girlfriends, etc.). You suddenly feel like everything you have belongs to a tiny, adorable, demanding creature. A brief respite to wear clean clothes and engage with adults can help keep you sane.
Hell hath no fury like the uninvolved.