Thanks for showing me a point of view from those less-abled folk, as I would not have considered their feelings in such a way before. Sure, your arguement came off a little crass for others to casually accept, but I agree with your statements and how less-abled people don’t want to be regarded as a different species,…
Comparing him to watching Fox News tells me you have no sense of perspective. TDK was skewering exactly the kind of thing that Fox has become in the years since it was first published. Just like Dennis Miller, Frank Miller was not always the paranoid jingoist we see today. (He was, however, always mildly sexist. I…
quiet, little one
There’s also a cultural difference between Moore and Miller though. Miller grew up in Cold-War era America, when there was a very right-wing sensibility to American society and culture. Moore on the other hand grew up in the rock and roll/punk eras of Brit/Euro culture, where left-wing values weren’t stamped out like…
First off, as an adult, I save for things that arent video game consoles. Second, its not just $350, if I buy a console, im going to buy, at least, two controllers, and a few video games to start, that runs up to probably $500. I could use that money to fly home and see my family. there are more important things in…
Thing is, for tens of millions in the US alone, it’s a ton of money.
You don’t know my sister then. She’s the archetype of the ignorant, loud, pious vegan
The only vegan I know is very chill, never talks about it unless you ask, and if you ask, she is honest but not judgmental. Small sample size.
Really? Consider yourself lucky. I recently rekindled with an old coworker/friend of mine, and her Facebook newsfeed is LITTERED with vegan memes about how horrible anyone is who would eat meat/ever kill an animal. She commented on my check in for a family member’s birthday at a steakhouse. I am trying SO VERY HARD…
I just wish certain vegans would understand that not every person comes from the same place of privilege.
Most of the vegans I’ve known as a full-on adult have been perfectly fine, but yeah, with the younger ones, chances are that, if you know they’re vegan (i.e. they go out of their way to reveal it), they’re almost exclusively assholes. I think it’s because younger vegans are far more likely to be passionately…
“All vegans are awful SO LET’S SHIT ON THEM” is frequently a trope meat-eaters* like to bust out for a variety of reasons, virtually all of which are ultimately both self-serving and self-aggrandizing.
a) You are right. There are some places where a motorcycle could overtake with no risk for anyone and a car couldn’t. But laws are meant for vehicles without dinstinction between 2, 4 or 18 wheels; and if you are using that road, you should obey them. My opinion as a rider when I get stuck behind a slow vehicle: pull…
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
I understand that it must be hard for you to realize you didn’t understand my comment and you probably have some egg on your face for commenting in a way that publicly displays your ignorance. So I won’t take it personally how you lash out.
I didn't want to write about Glen Duncan's nerd-baiting book review in last Sunday's New York Times. The one that…