
@Warbly: Lol, or not short enough to blink and miss it.

@D Mitsuki, Gotta have guts kid!: I see your point, but if youre struggling to eat for a day or not, you shouldnt be spending it on video games in the first place.

@belsunce: Good argument. Im with you 100% in regards to piracy. I also see and understand your point when it comes to used games. Im probably a little biased considering i dont ever buy used games, so these measures dont affect me.

<— This guy approves of these measures.

@Justin Keeble: I do the exact same thing. Ill trade in a used game, but ill only buy a new one. Im supporting the developers and sticking it to gamestop in the process.

It wasnt hard to find advertisers? Fooled me. Everytime i get on its either, "Sprint, the now network" or Cashman trying to be funny.

@striferoks: Lol, its a great place. Easily missed.

Make MegaMan a cameo and ill buy 2.

Wheres my 64, time to play some Mario.

@hurricanedj: Its pretty horrible, it stands out like a sore thumb. Youd think a series as huge as that would have the best animations. If they do use motion capture, they use robots for it.

@Two Flush Dump: I agree. Does Madden use motion capture? One of my chief complaints with Madden games is how horrible the animations are along with the bad hit detection animations.

@Gyaruson: Well i have a feeling ME3 is going to have that antagonist you miss. Im sure we'll be seeing more of cerberus

It should be mandatory every multiplayer game have a 'horde' mode

A 1000 dollar iphone

@Ackers thanks Brian Ashcraft: Lol im sure theres truth in that though. If you were a complete badass i doubt element of suprise is always your priority.

@hot_heart: Its a Jackal! A Jackal!? A Jackal! Jackal! Is it a Jackal!?

@WhiteMåge is in fact a boy, damnit: Last you checked used sales barely touched the industry?? Last I checked, Gamestop made millions of dollars in profit last year and most of that profit came from USED GAME sales. Dont get mad because Bioware is trying to make money off a great game by making you spend the extra 5

@Slatz_Grobnik: Although i see your point...i dont see myself getting tired of Mass Effect anytime soon. Bring on the sequels i say!

@NeVeRMoRe666: lol, no, i live in the midwest US. The same mall use to have 2 gamestops literally 100 yards away from each other then one switched to EBgames. Go figure.