
@NeVeRMoRe666: theres an Eb games and a gamestop in the same mall where i live.

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Lol love the illustration. Completely agree with the single player, but call me crazy, i actually enjoyed MW2 multiplayer a little more.

Item has already been removed. Guess he finally got the last Demoman unlock on TF2.

@AOClaus: Dont you find it odd how, even when trying to do a charitable thing, people still find things to bitch about? Im sure Bungie plans on donating 77K regardless of the number of players.

7.20 average ticket price? Where the hell are these movie theaters?? My local theater charges 9.75 and 12.50 for 3D. Also, WoW makes 100M a month? Ridiculous.

@xoda000: Not sure if you know this but now any class can wear heavy armor. Also, you buy individual pieces of your armor instead of finding or buying whole sets. Also, again:), you get to customize the armors color if im not mistaken.

@deanbmmv: Ya you still have unlimited ammo even though the video looks misleading. As stormrider said the 'ammo count' you see in the video is actually how many rounds you have left til you need to pop out a heat sink..which is also unlimited. You have nothing to worry about:)

@Jennacide: Ive never seen it in any video or talked about in any article, so it wouldnt surprise me. However; i think singularity was pretty OPed too and thats still around.

@ithyphallus, bonks morrigan: The Krogans were the worst. They were hard as hell to kill if you didnt dampen them or use some kind of biotic power to finish them. Straight up gunfighting against those guys was plain dumb.

@Shinta: Im assuming its your sprint, but i could be wrong.

@Antiterra: I agree, Tali and Liara were the best. The biggest Geth mob would get rolled by Tali and no amount of charging Krogans could withstand the lift + throw to the moon combo from Liara.

@Gyaruson: FINALLY! Someone who used the same two squad members i did. They were by far the most useful since i had AI hacking AND singularity. I beat the game 3 times and almost exclusively used those 2. I know, im sure i missed out on a lot since everyone loves wrex and garrus so much, but i gave them a try and

@Antiterra: Really? That poll blows me away. This is an RPG so i figured people would curse at a class that makes the game more of an FPS. Im personally a sentinel guy myself and pausing the game and choreographing the perfect pwnage is the one of the main reasons i love this series so much. Kind of dissapointed

@DaFron: Well all i have is anecdotal evidence, but at least for me, a price cut alone wouldnt have pushed me towards a PS3. I bought one a couple weeks back and a big factor to me was the new look. But ya youre right, the price was probably a bigger factor in the jump in sales.

Thats crazy. Explains why Sony and MS games have a much higher Metacritic average than Nintendo with its shovelware. If a game is going to come out on those two systems and cost that much, it better damn well be great.

Give me a 360 slim! Sony did and look at their sales as of late. When it comes to software and support, MS is the best in my opinion. But when it comes to hardware they are way last.

I want a 360 slim damnit with a quieter disc drive and wifi. I dont necessarily want a new Xbox, but i want an upgrade of sorts.

@GeneralBattuta: The non speaking English will be awesome. The "Ra ra ra" sound of the elites is going to bring back so many memories:)

@HELLSRIDER is watching anime: The trailer was completely in game footage. So what you saw is what the game will look like and considering the game is in pre-pre-beta stages, im sure it will look even better at release.