Itzaak Sirius

Why have I come to love this show? Daniel wearing the Rush t-shirt and no one ever saying a word about it. I'm not sure why that's so awesome, but it is.

Soooo….in the end credits for the first episode, they listed the actors that played the weird twins as "Twin #1" and "Twin #2".  What possible reason could they have for the number designations?

Yup.  And although I've made this observation before, I feel like it's worth occasionally reminding ourselves that before Schmidt, Max Greenfied played Officer Leo.  He's such a good actor that I still have trouble believing that they aren't two separate human beings.

Thank you.  This drove me nuts from the get-go.  Pretty much every aspect of the tenure process as described in this episode is wrong.  Granted, the tenure process has some huge problems and I hate it, but for different, real reasons.  Plus, people either get hired into a tenure-track position or they don't, so even