
In Aussie Rules Football, West Bron could’ve just clubbed Evans into a coma and left him on the pitch while they played around him. And if a West Bron player was able to hit Evans on the fly with a kicked ball from anywhere on the field, they would get 8 1/2 points and they’d all shout, “Whack-Bat!” and seven random

everyone’s gotta be so edgy. all i want are cooking recipes and to know which car goes the fastest. now i have to read about how “brave” journalists are as theyre thrown in the Gulag. so boring.

I think we all have the same question: is this reasonably calculated to lead to Ashley Feinberg getting the pee pee tape?

guys, seriously, did you not learn? dont poke the bear. look what happened before. Donald Trump thinks he can legally murder you. stick to celebrity news and product promotion. just let someone else poke the bear for a little bit.

Kansas keeps finding reasons for me to not want to go there.

because its a single line that doesn’t really spoil anything about the direction of the movie

This is exactly how trailers should be made. It shows us the stars and the action, but not for one second reveals anything too much. Perfect.

Is “abusing semicolons to project the illusion of superiority” a white value?

That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.

I’d personally pull a Rom Roberts and give a detailed account of something way off topic.

Hello Jalopnik world...this is Rodney!

bullshit -

the patty mills one is especially insane when you consider that the Rockets should have gotten an offensive foul call. Nene seals him off with an illegal screen, basically trapping him against james harden’s chest. Mills realizes it, just sticks his arms up to say “i’m literally just stuck here, not fouling anybody”.

Reminds me of an old joke about European stereotypes:

Counterpoint - Chicken Tikka Masala is an English creation and one of the most delicious things ever. Of course, it was created by an Indian immigrant...

If only David Beckham had married some sort of... spice-having woman.

Albert, you and Magary MUST attempt to replicate this on Foodspin...

Hot TAEK list: “Best Breakfast Countries/Places, Ranked.”

My take on English food was, because they’ve hated the French so much throughout history, they purposefully decided to cook and eat trash as a way to spite their tasty-food-eating neighbors. Even though, in this scenario, they only end up spiting themselves...

Mashed cauliflower is all that is right in the world.