
Ah that’s a very interesting point, especially because I have a pretty burly GTX980 in that rig that is quite heavy.  What a coincidence!  I wasn’t heart broken as I’ve been planning to upgrade for a while and have pushed the OC higher and higher with the understanding that the mobo was not long for this world, but

Just went through a ton of aggravation when my computer randomly stopped being able to boot.  Tried so many things: unplugging and replugging everything, unplugging all drives and trying each one at a time, unplugging graphics card, removing graphics card.  And the only thing that helped was fully removing the

So John Wick?

I love kicking over cairns. Spent a wonderful half hour at Moraine Lake in AB, Canada kicking over cairns in this otherwise beautiful and unspoiled glacier fed lake.  The last thing I want when I’m in a place like this is to be reminded of how many people there are on this planet.

This is fucking delightful.  This is maybe my favorite comment of 2019 so far.

God damn can someone do a recut of The Last Jedi where instead of the the Canto Bight Casino being about fathier racing it’s betting on pod racing instead?!  Then, hell yea, I’m all in on a podracing game in 2019.

A game based off the prequel films in the year 2019?

That “single bronze medal” line is shade-court worthy.

Why is this hypothetical person trading in a 3 year old car?!  All they’ve done is eaten the majority of the depreciation and they’re nowhere near where they should be having major problems with the car yet...

This game takes the best parts of the other Battle Royale games (color coded and simplified looting, and workable armor/shield from Fortnite, solid gun play and First Person POV from Blackout) and adds in great movement, a map with character, and characters that are different enough without anything being over

Eh I’d add the Prowler, Hemlock and Devotion with the relevant hopups, and then if they come across any of the gold guns in drops (Mastiff, etc.) they use those too. So that’s a total of around 9-10 guns.

Welcome to America! Where you too can have the opportunity to make $32 dollars a day on an 8 hour shift! Before taxes!

Apex Legend’s meta is interesting to me because even now it has several loadout metas and if you watch streamers you can see them using a way wider range of weapons than in Blackout. Shroud loves using the R-99, Dr Disrespect often uses the R-301, and both often go for the EVA-8 auto shottie over the Peacekeeper

Well they also have a storefront just like Fortnite with 4-5 items that you can buy directly that rotate every 24 hours... 

There’s also some weird Stranger Things looking animals in the water around the edge of the map.  Not sure what those are and I didn’t play Titanfall or TF2.

Is Gita demanding it in this article, or just happy to see that it’s in there?

It really seems like they took all the good things from the other ones (Fortnite’s easily recognizable inventory items with colors, aunique visual style and logical healing/shield, Blackout’s mobility and First Person POV, nothing from PUBG) and put them together.  I played for like 30 minutes last night and pretty

Yep, it’s teams of 3 in every match.  So either you bring 2 friends in or you get 2 randoms added every time. No solo.

Virginia: Come for the casual discrimination, stay for the opioid crisis!

Is there crossplay?  I just want another crossplay equipped game besides Fortnite.