Who has a more punchable face: MAGA hat guy, or the Fyre Festival guy?
Who has a more punchable face: MAGA hat guy, or the Fyre Festival guy?
What they meant was they couldn’t figure out how to make a Battle Royale version that also had pay-to-win loot and microtransactions...
I generally don’t trust people trying to tell other people what’s the “right” way to live their lives, so you’d think I’d be against this Marie woman...
I love you HamNo. Sick to fucking death of these movies. Everyone’s yelling “escapism” down here in the comments and referencing Star Wars and it’s fucking stupid. You’re really gonna compare Thor: Ragnarok, the 1745th superhero movie released since 2008 to Star Wars? Fuck outta here...
Is that "McHoobastank" a reference to Hello From the Magic Tavern?
I was going to comment the same thing! Many problems with that theme including timings, the mastering/EQ, and the entire overall sound design is so much less than the original Halo theme (which ok, tiny studio) but they could probably have found someone on YouTube to help them out for a production credit.
Maybe leave the internet lawyering alone. I think you’ve gotten pretty much everything wrong. You don’t have to “copyright” something, if you create it and can show you created it then you have the copyright. You need to file an official copyright only if you want to sue. And choreography has been able to be covered…
Dip di di wowwww
Pro tip: As a fat junior high student I would often make a large batch of pancake mix on Sunday, pop it in the fridge after I’d fed and then have pancakes every morning for breakfast until like Wednesday when I’d run out of mix.
I wonder if other people will follow his lead. One of the newest Fortnite emotes is a guy playing the saxophone and he is 100% copying the moves of the front-man for the band Too Many Zooz.
I can see some indie developers saying instead of getting $14 from each sale of my $20 game on Steam, I now get $17.50 through Epic. Because of this I can afford to charge $18 for the game on Epic and still make more than on Steam. If that happens then consumers definitely win. I doubt any large publisher would do…
I can see some indie developers saying instead of getting $14 from each sale of my $20 game on Steam, I now get $17.50 through Epic. Because of this I can afford to charge $18 for the game on Epic and still make more than on Steam. If that happens then consumers definitely win. I doubt any large publisher would do…
That is perhaps the worst analogy I’ve ever heard. I’m not proposing they make a pickup truck that’s slow, technologically outdated, and missing key features consumers expect today. I’m proposing they make a pickup truck that people who actually use pickups for doing pickup truck things might want with a bed you could…
What if they just made pickups like they used to and the bed like they used to and you could reach in without having to use a fucking step?
What happened to Deontay Wilder’s domestic abuse allegation out of Las Vegas in 2013? I just googled it and I can’t find a single thing other than stories about him apologizing and saying he did it because he thought he was being robbed?
One of the things I most enjoy about Sprouts being my grocery store is their bacon. They have by far the best bacon of any grocery store and it is SUPER cheap. BLT all day. One of my faves is from The Promiscuous Fork in La Jolla, CA. Chicken (thigh), bacon, pesto, on basically a grilled cheese. It’s incredible.
He should have just come out and admitted that he was talking about Rich Hill. Also how was this not one of the links at the bottom?!
From Mr. Rick Steve’s:
Counterpoint: I’ve been to Spain several times and the only time I was with people who had rented a car we immediately got stopped by a cop for no reason other than to ask to see our International Driver’s License, which luckily the driver had known to get. We asked the cop what would have happened if we didn’t have…