
Counterpoint: This is a non-issue, at least in this particular application.


Haul-tima strikes again.

Seriously, its annoying as fuck to get randomly thrown to a different website as you get to the bottom of an article

Seriously? It took me like 10 tries just to leave a comment because scrolling redirects me to another page, including the scrolling the site does on it’s own when I hit the reply button! 


It’s every single fucking page that has the continue reading button. Even on shorter pages where that doesn’t appear, if you scroll just past the show comments button - boom! You’re unwillingly at the Root.

Same issue.  A jump to ‘the Root’ issue. 

I keep getting bounced to the Root. It’s not fair.

Yeah that jump to random The Root page sucks, at least I am not alone, but it seems to be selective in that it’s not EVERY Jalop page.

I am soo fed up with this site. I’ve accessed a few articles throughout the day and as I scroll down I keep getting rerouted to a Root slideshow article on Olympians.

I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,

This happened to me as well

Yes, happening to me as well. Very weird.

Sorry to hijack the thread, but something very weird is going on with Kinja. (This is one of very few articles where I can make it to the comments.)

Erin, I posted this elsewhere already but I’ll put it here too: what the absolute hell is going on with this place? Scroll down too far past the extra-clicks-for-clicks-sake “continue reading” button or too far past the “show comments” button and it triggers an autoload to some random page over at The Root. The G/O

So it wasn’t just me? Got redirected to the Root and everything? This site is a mess.

Team Oregon offers an Advanced Rider Training class that’s in the ballpark of this, and they even used to teach the Akira Slide. Truly a mind-blowing experience for a regular street rider.

It’s wild that we have this massive business market that literally consists of buying a company and then sucking as much money as possible from them until it dies. Pure vampire capitalism. 

Another bunch of greedy assholes ruin a company. Anyone else as sick of VC and hedge funds ruining great companies as I am?  Fucking VC. ARRRGGGH