If you can think of a better way to fix a problem than shooting at it, I’d like to hear it!
If you can think of a better way to fix a problem than shooting at it, I’d like to hear it!
Some residents have taken to parking their trucks in a pay lot over half a mile from the neighborhood,
Tell that to Ferrari.
Awesome! Now let’s get rid of the fake engine noises
Weight wise, this is a Prius Prime (also plug in hybrid) with a Lotus Elise on its roof.
Well his wife - who according to his scathingly racist master’s thesis he should not have married - was live tweeting from the insurrection, so I’d say he’s pretty involved.
They’ll probably claim Olivia Flores was resisting arrest by dying.
I assume “HMS Doomed” and “HMS Fucked” were already taken.
“When the HMS Terror and Erebus first launched” - I mean with a name like that, of course it was doomed
Strangely enough, I just picked up a Clive Cussler book I’ve had laying around the house, Arctic Drift, published in 2008; and started reading it last week. The Franklin expedition is a major plot point. Then this weekend I went to pick out a show to watch on my Tivo, saw I had a bunch of episodes of NOVA to watch,…
You pay the lowest wage you can, you get the lowest number of shits given.
The named a boat “HMS Terror” and thought good things would come from this?
Well, some smart people did an analysis of speeches given by politicians cross-referenced with the temperature at which the speech was delivered and found that speeches given while it’s really hot tend to have simpler, less florid language. If I recall, it was the equivalent of losing six months to a year of education.
DMV: Dipshits Messing with Vets?
do the most american thing possible. Sue the living piss out of the TN DMV.
They will even deliver it to you so you can shoot it down. How's that for convenience...
Buy in store or online with drone home delivery? AFAF
Can pick up a shotgun for under $200 at Walmart.
Yup. And the drone guns will be controlled by the AI. The Skynet is complete.