
You just leave it in neutral. 

I’d vote for a turnip if it meant preventing Trump’s return to power, but not everyone feels the way I do.

Witnesses described how they saw the boar coming and were wondering why it wasn’t turning or changing course.”

How misinformed. Nothing can beat a mouse and keyboard for first/third person or strategy kinds of games. Or really, any 3d world with lots of controls. Only things controllers are good for are MK/SF kinda fighting, platformer, and racing. People who use controller for shooting games don’t realize the game aims for

kinda like......

Question: do we get to pick which cities they run rampant in?  And by “we” I mean “me”. 

That was definitely the disappointment of the day lol.


Now let’s go after the rich assholes who buy this stuff.

Brilliant! (and, hopefully, effective 🤞)

The issue is, they’ve raised prices faster than inflation and still expect people to tip. Not only are we expected to tip, it pops up automatically on the screen at 25%+, so we actively have to choose to screw over the cashier and look like an asshole if we want to change it. And that’s for pickup! Why am I tipping

Companies should pay their workers a living wage.  Tipping culture is anti-consumer. 

It’s not okay to wait a month for a doctor’s appointment, it’s not okay to have dirty streets in the city with one of the highest income taxes. And it’s not okay to put the responsibility on paying waiter’s salary on the customer. It’s time for change.

Saw this gem today, cybertruck hauling trash:

I would suggest that driver change his name and move to Point Roberts

That had potential to be the best Russian dash-cam crash video ever.

The interior looks very cramped for an executive saloon.  That fat guy with his huge basketball-sized head can barely fit in the passenger seat. If he had a regular-sized head, he would be 10" shorter. Even 5'-o” Putin looks huge in there but maybe his seat is as far up and forward as possible.

It’s really sad that it’s going to be another close election. The man killed 1 million Americans in a year, added $8 trillion to the national debt, failed to deliver on just about every promise he ever made except for taking women’s bodily autonomy away, thru our institutions under the bus to appease Putin, abandoned

Designed To Still Be Timeless Next Century

How much do you need to make to afford this?... A Tourbillon dollars!