
Because words don’t matter and they can call it literally whatever they want and legally get away with it.

Leftjabrightcrosslefthookrightuppercut. You’re either in or you’re out.

It’s actually more difficult stay at constant ‘alert for sudden takeover’ status than it is to just drive.

I mean, it’s bad enough that this happened once to this person, but after that one time (which would be enough for me, BTW), wouldn’t you, as the owner, think “maybe I shouldn’t engage this FSD mode near a train crossing, as it almost ended me the last time I did?”

These are the ONLY time I side with Tesla. Glad the guy didn’t die or anything, but this is his fault 🤣

Impressive. Both in “FSD”’s inability to see the crossing with a train in it AND the driver’s failure to take control in a timely manner as explicitly required by “FSD”. Two wrongs making a much bigger wrong.

Seriously, AIRBUS had a better motive than Boeing.

The Stock Market - one of humanity’s most pointless inventions.

Must be so challenging to grab those little almond teats and milk them...

Not seeing any down sides to that. 

Man, if nature keeps up, it’s not long before the animal kingdom just flat out assassinates billionaires.

I had a friend who was a reasonable guy, until he had his first kid, then, as we joked then, and now, “His car only makes right hand turns!”. He has become more and more conservative over the years, and it started with his kids. We live in a low crime area, but judging by the way he acted, we lived in the South side

Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

Yep, the marketing people probably think “Who needs a guitar, paint, clay, any physical medium when you have an iPad?” That’s just sad. 

You’ve got it backwards. The “online people” can’t imagine any use for a guitar, so they wrote this advertisement. It’s the people with hobbies, interests, and lives worth living who think that the concept is absurd.

“the most advanced display we’ve ever produced,”

Aren’t they still sticking LG and Samsung displays into their devices?

I’m disappointed nobody had the guts to put a kitten in the squisher.  Cause... you know, more cat videos in the new thinner ipad with longer battery life. /s

This post needed a SPOILER warning

Actually, I don’t like buttons... (roll to dodge oncoming hate mail).

Surprised no mention of Vent Windows. Ties in with cigarette lighters and ashtrays... this was how my dad used to get the smoke out of the car..