
Close thread, best reply given.

Don’t let Boeing see this, it may give them ideas

He didn’t.

I realize that’s an Airbus, but we’re blaming Boeing, right?

And this idiot drank TWO AND A HALF of them according to the article. Like WTF did she expect?

That’s just for the benefit of the lawsuits later on. Might get a bigger payout if you show a hospital stay was involved.

Clearly NASA needs to do a contract with Boeing

So what you’re saying is I should buy a tow truck. 

if we let people go to Cuba suddenly no one will want to buy surgery in America.

Had* to be

Having a BRZ for a first car has to be pretty sweet though.

don’t record yourself doing stupid shit.”

Man, East Palestine is the shit show that keeps on giving. Worse, there appears to have been no progress on rail safety to prevent another one.

Honestly, it feels like this production had deep problems and that the absolutely unjustified firing of the lead actress was just the final crack in the wall needed to make it all topple down.

Ours also weigh more due to safety regs. They’ll never pass a crash test here.

Now playing

I mean, it’s in Europe too and it’s not hard to find plenty of videos/review of the process on youtube.

I love this idea. :-) It also gives me a great opportunity to link to one of my favorite XKCD What If? pieces, about how difficult it would be to go to Voyager and retrieve it:

Is it really gibberish, or is it really:


Hey man, sometimes when you skydive, you flip a coin.  This time it came heads up.