
How misinformed. Nothing can beat a mouse and keyboard for first/third person or strategy kinds of games. Or really, any 3d world with lots of controls. Only things controllers are good for are MK/SF kinda fighting, platformer, and racing. People who use controller for shooting games don’t realize the game aims for

“Oklahoma gun laws allow for anyone over the age of 21 to carry a firearm without a permit, so the only reason Ye was charged with carrying a gun was due to the fact he was also transporting cannabis.”


Saw a cyber garbage truck today!

incase photo doesn’t work:

Like this?

Saw this gem today, cybertruck hauling trash:

What?! They’re going to stop before Mach 1? Pussies.

It’s that the recycle yards are happy to pay for stolen goods.

If the doors cant be opened flat and function as glider wings for when you hit 270 on the mountain top and completely miss the turn, allowing you to safely glide down, I don’t want it.

Fucking write the screenplay now and I’ll help you get it produced.

Then you haven’t lost Cyberstruck yet

Eww, did you see that body role at those slow speeds? Does it only ride springs?

Needs more stars

Just left my Tesla for 48 days not plugged in while I went out of country. It started at 80% and when I came back I had 70%. Soon as I walked up to the car it recognized my phone (bt) and unlocked for me.

This x1000. Camera bump makes phone lay uneven. So make the case flush and fill it with battery.

McMurtry Speirling is pure sports car.

I 100% agree with all points. But #6 needs modified.

Must drive naked. No more road rage after that. Just think about it. Would your naked ass be tryin to yell at another naked person?

Also a light pack would cut 500lbs off the vehicle therefore increasing efficiency. Also the purchase price of the vehicle would be cheaper.