
It’s not to be blamed on them anymore. I’m not an Elon supporter and want him off the board, NOW, but if people still think FSD is really self driving they’re morons that I’m ok with offing themselves.

sending the shares of the luxury electric carmaker up about 8%”

This had me rolling as a kid

Was noticing that too. Along with him not even pressing the accelerator until he was completely done with the turn. I get that it’s got torque and easy to get those wheels to spin. But many of those turns seemed wasted.

I’ll up you a VW bus.

Understared comment

Really? When I was driving Lyft in LA, the safest time to drive was 10pm to 4am. LA is more dangerous when there are MORE people on the road. As long as your eyes are open and you’re aware of your surroundings, you won’t be hit by a drunk and you’ll have room to move out of the way for anything. After 4am is the WORST

Yes they are. I guarantee I can search a very non demand plenty of space flight the max in advance, and if I do about 4 or 5 searches for it checking the cheapest days, the original prices are gone even though NO seats were bought.

Call me up if that happens and if I’m in the same boat I’ll join you.

Honestly, if we probably got a good aluminum system going, we wouldn’t need to manufacture any more since it’s infinitely recyclable. We could create say 100 billion tons of aluminum for packaging to cover EVERYTHING current and coming, then recycle everything and keep it in a closed loop.

With plastic, we’re fucked. We need to start using plant fibers instead. Maybe bamboo or something. We cannot continue life on Earth, or at least intelligent life with plastic at all.

My Chevy Cruze lost 24% in 221k miles

And at 300k miles, the car is not anywhere near as efficient, so that gas tank doesn’t go as far.

There’s some info I can’t find. I understand that charging each time on a 250kw L3 would be bad, what about a 47kw L3? I bet charging at that rate which doesn’t require heating the battery pack, would last imperceptibly less than a 10kw L2

Like someone else said, it’s so nobody else comes forward.

But since Boeing is a defense contractor, can’t trust the FBI. I’d trust MI6 for this one.

This. Now nobody will come forward

This should not be left to the police, it should be FBI, or even MI6


Thanks for the laugh.