
My friends and I had a shot of 95% everclear. I was the only one who didn’t immediately go throw up. But my throat felt like I had been screaming all day.

I’m sorry, who the fuck volunteered, even with massive pay, to get frostbite and need their limbs amputated….

Hopefully she didn’t learn directing from him.

$1000 a month doesn’t even pay for A ROOM TO RENT IN SoCal. That’s currently about $1300-1500. (Cheaper if you share with the roaches and bedbugs). That doesn’t include food and transportation. So no, UBI doesn’t allow you to not work.

That’s the idea, but the truth is, it’s the few people at the top hoarding the money that are raising the prices. If they paid fair wages, everybody would spend their money more and it would rotate correctly. But because those few at the top hoard it, there’s not enough for regular people to afford what they need and

Housing rises faster SOLEY because of greedy landlords that want to get rich faster. Their costs arent going up even a fraction of what they’re making more on rent each year. And when a new “luxury” apartment is built charging $5700/mo for 545sqft, it raises the median rent in the area so all the scum lords renting

True, it would be impossible to route a path anywhere if we could warp or wormhole because we might accidentally end up inside of a black hole that wasn’t there where we were looking and it was empty.

I come from an artist family, we do ALL types of art, and I couldn’t agree more with your opinion.

Can’t attach photo for some reason so

Please please become a car fiction novelist. That description was beautiful.

With a manual transmission

They should absolutely be paid a fair wage. Many of the people in prison are there for crimes of inconsequence, many are there for horrendous crimes. But in prison they can’t care for families or rent and many were the breadwinners and committed crimes through desperation. And when they get out, they’ll have less than

How is it useful as a store of value if in months time it goes from 60k to 20k to 30k to 20k to ???

Wanna know the stupidest thing about crypto? The transaction fees. Gas fees, etc. you literally get charged extra money on each transaction that during busy times with lots of trades can be over 50% of the purchase price. It doesn’t even cost money to trade stocks now, which are also stupid. Fuck crypto.

Actually, the key the pilots have turns on the no smoking sign and turns it off. It just happens that the rest of the aircraft is tied into the no smoking switch.

I live in SoCal where I wouldn’t bat an eye at a typical mclaren, Lambo, Ferrari, etc. the Supra id be turning my neck until I rearend the car in front of me.

The Grand Canyon has plenty of room

The fact that it can orient its antenna in our direction is incredible.

Psh, I play multiplayer online shooters at stop lights.

Lol, my 65 el Camino sometimes wouldn’t catch and make that sound, then I just had to smack it with a crowbar and then on the first rotation the engine would turn  over.