
It’s amazing how much worse ILM’s quality has gotten since Jurassic Park and MIB. I feel like those films still look better than current.

I see so many sick as cars in China that I’ve never seen here from normal brands we have.

nvm image uploading not working with ad blocker on…

They didn’t say whether they tested them in the same weather, and hopefully, tested on the same road, and how they charged them to 100% first.

I’d take a couple from him for a hundred grand

I’m going to fight you on the McLaren F1. I’ll take it any day of the week as long as someone else pays for windshield cracks.

Millions of people would NOT lose jobs, of course we’d have to ween ourselves off of it but all those people would plant crops and become farmers. After the switch, the economy would be BETTER than with meat because we’d have more resources for everything and less environmental impact and people would be healthier and

We’re never going to get it until we get enough MASS for it to be sustained (find the smallest star in the universe, thats our number)

Pretty sure those kids are getting a massive life insurance payment. Tin foil hat is on and cooking.

Should have been driving a VW bus

I keep a can of concrete grey paint in my trunk for when I can’t find any grey sidewalk.

Hopefully it hit his head directly on and blacked him out, if it hit his neck and took his head off, he had about 45 seconds of free fall while still conscious.

Holy fuck lol

Wait till you try a wolf. They live long, they’re big, and WAAY smarter than other dogs. Once you go wolf, you never go back.

Do not vote yes. The streaming residuals are non existent. AI protections are much better. But the money from streaming is so garbage the bonus will never be paid out except for the top 1 show on each platform at any given time. And only for a little bit. It’s useless garbage.

Question, what if we used an extreme pressure compactor to basically compress trash into basic elements/liquid earth/better. Like I know we can make pressures enough to make diamonds and more, what if we just took 1 ton of trash and compacted it as dense as possible and see what kind of basic/exotic material it tie s

Sounds like vaporware. If it’s that game changing, they can completely destroy ALL markets by releasing well priced 600-900- mile EVs. Any company with that tech would ramp up production no matter the cost so fast.

ATCAB. Except for AAA which I never had an issue with besides waiting.

I love that Porsche!

I’m like 75% European and lost my ability to digest milk in my late 20s