
I mean, that’s exactly what LUCID is doing and they have an incredible product, I actually saw 4 different Lucids between yesterday and today, but I’m still down 80% on my LCID stock.

Embedded video doesn’t load on mobile safari at all. None of the player even shows up.

It’s a photo, every car will appear stationary.

Fuck you Santa Monica, I will no longer be visiting there and will take my money elsewhere. Sometimes we need to pull over to just fucking understand the 5 signs you have posted on one pole all contradicting each other. Othertimes letting a passenger out. I’m not about to risk your insta ticket.

I always film myself jaywalking, I like to live dangerously.


This is SPARTA!

Star for you. And commercial’s contract is just as bad with streaming too.

Actually, that energy dissipation of the parts going everywhere kept it from breaking.

iPhones and androids are some of the biggest gaming handhelds. Does that mean we get easily replaceable batteries on Apple?

Yea, I discovered that stuff around 10 when I had a 9600baud

After the wind fury patches, I calculated wind fury procs and it came out to well under 20%, it was closer to 15%

World of Warcraft with tricks on skateboards??!

The self tapes are one of the most important issues to solve. Most actors hate it, most directors hate it because they can’t see casting give notes or request additional takes, and casting loves it because they get to lay in bed naked while having some assistant that doesn’t get it to sort through tapes first and they

I wanna customize that fighter jet like that 240, lower it and put gold daytons on it.

More like physic’d

Came here to say this

Seriously, dropping that much weight 8000 ft and having those wings grab the air and stop it without snapping is fucking incredible.

Nah, more mass vs more mass is still more destruction.