
That’s how I wanna go

Good, my average on LCID is $29. They have a great product with industry leading range and they stand out in person. Let’s gooo!

Actually people SHOULD have the common sense not to. I have that common sense when I’m walking. If I can’t see that you know I’m there, I’m not crossing in front of your dangerous ass vehicle.

That’s what I was taught too. New generation doesn’t know that.

I literally hit a bicycle because I couldn’t see him around that pillar the entire time while I was turning. He was moving perfectly inside of it.

Bingo. Before smartphones, we could T-9 text on our lap without looking at the phone.

HOW did dude on left get knocked out? I watched this like 20 times. Is he a soccer player and faking it?

And the losers wealth gets divided into local poverty help programs to help people own their own homes.

Seems like Mother Nature is finally taking back from the biggest polluters.


If you look at the history of trials. Women always get off easier for the same crimes than men.

A sheet of well preserved glass would be perfect for alien archaeologists to come and study what was once a prospering planet with mildly intelligent life.

Safe word or special nickname would solve it.

Gid outta heeere with ur logic…..gates.

Who originally said that? I think I read it in an old computer science book for school.

Really, 43 mile detour? There’s NO other way that’s shorter?

I knew this would be here and wanted to find it.

It’s just the American market. I’m visiting China right now and Toyota has a shit ton of electric vehicles on the roads here. I know because electric vehicles have green license plates and gas and hybrid and diesel have blue.

Not a road sign, but foot traffic, I just took this in China