
Came here to say this, got the email today that paramount+ with showtime would be dropping.

CCS needs to stop, they’re unnecessarily HUGE clunky easy to break adapters. Tesla, (I’m not a fanboi) has the best plug by far, easiest for everyone.

So fire a $50 bullet

Finally someone asked. I think it’s so they can ask for more money.

Honestly, why even give it so many constraints? If they need to have X amount of volume for X amount of astronauts and X amount of cargo and it needs to leave Earth’s atmosphere and stay up there for a certain amount of time and have certain features like windows, doors, and safety mechanisms, tell that to the AI and

Might wanna wear your glasses when driving or get lasik. If you can’t read those words that close, it becomes a safety issue because you can’t read where your exits are until it’s almost too late and then you suddenly need to get over.

Or CLR, calcium, lime, and rust remover.

Commenter of the year. Thanks!

Sounds like some Enron style jail time for every executive is in order.

I’m sorry, but you know EXACTLY where the train is going to be, it’s designated by two long metal rails. The train isn’t sneaking up behind you. It’s not waiting outside Walmart for you to come out. It’s ONLY going to be on the tracks. You ONLY need to check to make sure it’s NOT to the left or right of that location

I wish everything was programmed by Carmack. 

I don’t have a computer and I really want one. I’m tired of phone gaming, I want a powerful computer for once. If everyone chips in a little, please get me one! 🙏

Not as bad as me, I just stuck a bigger fuse in there

My first thought too

The moment these are available I’m swapping it into my model 3, but getting a pack 75% the size, will increase range and drop weight

If thou flies budget airlines, thou is excused from paying for thy child and may create a new child at the new destination in my name.

I prefer snakes

That’s so good, too bad I’ll never use it because I’m too adverse to cutty things.

Might not stop them, but I don’t  care if you are 5, I’m not picking you up and getting stabbed.