
Here’s to hopin those mirrors are modular and have a quick release clasp on the back along with servos and sensors to auto align the new panel.

Or have ridiculously over photoshopped actors that don’t look real.

If you saw them in real life you see they are 100% different so far apart you might as well be comparing a vw Jetta to an Audi A8

It’s interesting how all conmen have a certain look to them. Like look at the rest of those guys that claim “I’ve discovered this thing but I’m not gonna do it mainstream, just between me and the little guy” and “this thing THEY don’t want you to know about”. It’s literally the same as how meth makes everyone look the

Have they tried living in the US? It costs a lot more for basic living than anywhere else.

I made $80 on doge on Robinhood. I could have made $1000 but I held on too long. That’s my entire history with crypto. I’m glad it’s almost over. I hope crypto disappears forever.

Holy shit, how did they hack that? This guy knows what he’s doing, the passwords to unencrypt those had to be insane. Unless they found one of those physical password managers. That’s why I keep all my child porn on trumps computer.

My only question

Seems like you also have an issue with cheap bulbs, I’ve been running standard led bulbs from target or the local supermarket, not Amazon stuff for 7 years and none have gone bad. I keep getting free ones from the energy company, now I have too many led bulbs.

Lol, 100% sRBG is not enough. Minimum 100 Adobe Rbg, but should at least be 100% dci-p3 and have an easy way to calibrate or that color quality won’t last long

Paid advertisement much? I had just shopped for wireless earbuds and literally ALL of them from years ago have had the same tests to personalize sound for you. In the case of sennheiser, the true wireless earbuds were the WORST sounding buds I’ve ever heard. Worse than default apple earbuds that come with the phone. I

Windows updates are done through settings. Don’t use websites unless you’re a power user. 

This is what my parents taught me as a kid. Now unfortunately nobody even adults seem to know that and people always do stupid shit in front of me.  

Can I please get out of the greys one day.

I never cleared my trip A or B from the time I got my 2013 Chevy Cruze till 130k miles, I was calculating lifetime average of fuel efficiency. Well, until the dashboard said “out of memory” and wouldn’t let me access the trip computer at all until I unhooked the battery for a while and reset everything. 

Nope I’m not, I’m in SoCal.

Please stop using meta products completely and help everyone you know and meet to stop too.

Why the duck are cars so expensive now? Even California pay isn’t enough to comfortably buy that kinda stuff. Wages have not gone up that much

I’ve taught countless people to yoke oxen using this very method. Oxen have a lot of torque so no need to worry about stalling.

This is the method I learned when I became a valet at 19. Then I worked at a huge auto auction that had to hire temporary drivers every week on sale day and none of them ever knew stick. I’ve taught hundreds of people to drive stick with this method.