
Thank you, quite right.

I did not tell you to go to another group, another commenter did. You can't even keep who you're replying to straight, you're so emotional about your opinion. I told you to get ON TOPIC and stop making up fake drama that didn't happen. You do not get to troll a forum then whine about "bullies" who tell you to stay

Everyone loves a train wreck. ;)

"people like you" Bullshite. You know nothing about me. You just don't like being told to STFU and get back on topic rather than making up your own nonsense for the sake of drama-mongering. You're the worst kind of troll. The kind that believes his own drama.

If it is a plot device, it's a weak one.

Nobody HERE cares what you were doing last week where. You are just attempting to muddy the waters on THIS topic. And shock of shocks, someone told you to shove it and go where your whine would be on topic. I mean, the nerve of them. /endsarcasm

There are certainly low quality points in the books. But its' the character development that draws people in.

Oh STFU. Nobody here has done that. Is there not enough drama for you already, that you have to make stuff up about people you appear to *need* to hate, just so you can rant about them some more after having created the opportunity? If the show followed the books, people would generally be pleased, because they

The morbid scenes showing the torture are also NOT in the books. That character only disappears to reappear later, having had been tortured. But it was NOT in the books. These random alterations to the story are offensive, and I can't see why they are necessary. Long, unneeded scenes of senseless torture. Consent