
What I find confusing about this is that they often wear wigs made out of their own hair. So, we are all allowed to see her hair, just not the current hair that’s attached to her head. I find this very weird, but to each her own!

Catholic women don’t have to cover their hair; at least they didn’t back when I was dragged to church every sunday.

This is why third party votes ARE NOT AN OPTION in 2016. We have to not just beat but crush Trump and his Nazi supporters. They need to get a very loud message that their ideas are not acceptable or welcome.

There are Muslims being shot and beaten on the street and hate crimes have risen, to say it is not so bad is ignoring what is really happening. Most people do not know that Trump is clown, the polls at the moment are very close and Clinton should be leading by a larger margin.

I have literal nightmares about it.

Passels of assholes!

I think she goes in the deplorable one

Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?

He’s going to take a while before he decides to condemn this woman too, he’s not gonna be sure he understands all the facts first so he was to prevaricate for a while. (head explodes)

And in a related story, the Rio Olympic committee announced its revised Olympic mascot.

The IOC would feel really bad about this, but in their defense, the bribes were exceptionally large.

The money, the power, and the fact that she’s been married to him for her entire adult life - she doesn’t know any life without him. She’s probably gonna learn, and soon, but after that many decades of being Mrs. Bill Cosby, perhaps she doesn’t even know who she is anymore.

I used to think bad things happened because people didn’t know better.

i think its the people who act normal and are closet monsters that are scarier than the monsters like freddie kruger or jason. Remember watching those movies and ones like the ring and etc and never really being phazed. But when it came to more realistic horrors like stephen kings IT or the actual news of the branch

Co-signed. This is really not a trait unique to Dearborn, MO. People have a really, really hard time accepting “this person who does not have horns or a pitchfork, who does not wander around twirling his mustache and saying ‘mwahahahaha,’ who has no red flashing sign on his forehead saying ‘monster,’ who, in short,

People don’t want to believe someone they look up to could do something like that. It’s easier to think of rapists as boogeymen and not your life-long friend, but the truth is, statistically, everyone knows at least one rapist. It’s how Cosby got away with it for so long, and still, there are people out there who

It somehow feels even more tragic that she was believed by:

That’s the part that got me and I couldn’t write any more about it. Like how could someone defend this dude when he didn’t just rape a child but then brought his adult son into it?

I made a mistake in the state (because Kansas City is not in Kansas) and want to let everyone know that if there’s a Dearborn in Kansas, the residents don’t deserve the criticism.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,