
Welcome to roguelikes? There’s no “correct” spawns, either. There are so many viable approaches to that game.

Edit: wait, have I suddenly been freed from the greys? after years?

QA, in general, is a hell hole. Because most developers (gaming or otherwise) view it as a menial job and staff too many devs per tester. So even those with the skill sets that make them excellent testers get overworked/overtaxed and burnout.

fuck off jamie

Really? You think that do you? You’ve clearly never played the game before in your life.

If you don’t like it, then shut up and take your money somewhere else.

Are those moments of self-harm necessary within the game itself? Not just a “you must do this to progress further in the game” thing, but narratively conceived and presented as part of the larger whole?

The people who already bought the game, and have had it changed because of snowflakes can’t “take their money elsewhere”. So unless Steam begins to refund people for a game they bought four years ago, you are the one who should shut up.

Not only, but obviously the main reason.

Kinda seems like you're just salty that hard games exist and people like a challenge that you are unable or unwilling to rise to.

How old is it when you get to that phase? Because I’m 40, and I still enjoy playing some video games for the difficulty. Sometimes I don’t just want to finish the game for the sake of seeing a game over screen, sometimes I actually want to play a game because I find the gameplay enthralling.

I wonder how often you look for reasons to casually drop that you make six figures to try to impress strangers on the internet 

Hi. I’m a freelance 3D artist and I’m here to give you a bit of perspective from a job-seeker. Whenever I see a job posting that says “telecommuting is not an option”, I immediately assume this company doesn’t treat their staff like professionals because they feel they need to watch over everything their staff does

kotaku: “We want diverse writers but only diverse writers that are rich enough to live in new york without us paying them for it, poor people need not apply.”

thats a really dumb take “I lived in new york and come back with more money than i left off, but also I didnt have to pay rent, the one thing people point out as expensive in new york.” is kind of a take that you really didnt need to share with anyone.
Did you think it was really surprising that not paying rent on one

They are ensuring only rich people that dont really need the pay end up in the job, also limitng anyone international that might be “too diverse” for management tastes.

Write for our website!!!! your job will be to post things using the internet!!!!

Do you wanna be paid a salary that would barely get you by in Ohio but for a job that requires you to work in New York? Hit us up!

Hopefully the desk is extra big so you can sleep under it.

Yeah, your lack of telecommuting option is really backwards, shortsighted, and really hurting your talent pool. Good luck with bringing people to work in one of the most expensive cities in the world! 

Why is telecommuting not an option?