
Worrying about Powergirl getting a yeast infection is like worrying about Superman getting his cape stuck on the door, or how the batmobile changes its tires or how spider-man doesnt get a nasty rash from wearing a sweaty spandex suit all day. It leads to the kind of thinking that had BVS director Zack Snyder claim

I agree. If you want sexy, do sexy. Stylistic choices are stylistic choices, trying to be deep about it is weird.
It reeks of self patting on the back.

Meh. Like capes. Like boob armor. Like fancy high heel boots. Like underwear outside of the pants. Like big bulgy muscles that would prevent the muscled person from even wiping.
Its just stylistic choices and trappings of a genre, sometimes things are just a way to look cool, not really to be realistic.
People often

They are thinking of third wave feminists, aka feminism with a puritan slant where sex has negative conotations and any display of sexuality ( like pinups or cleavages or etc) is objectifying women. Theres tons of forms of feminism but the internet revels on the more puritan ones since moral outrage is easily seen and

“But to be honest though you could have various degrees of tones, themes and stays and none of them have to have a boob-window at all. I don’t feel like boob window is significant enough to actually target an audience.

Do whatever you want, but I’m gonna quit a game when I fucking want to and there’s no amount of whining that’ll change that.

Anyone and everyone are supporters of different agendas.

Well Afflect got called out by the host on national tv? I think thay begs the comparison. No way would a host say that to to a female guest. I don't even think a female host would say that to female guest. Rude is rude, unless you know someone who likes to kid about how they look.

yeah, that’s gross. and I’m a bit taken aback at the number of women taking that (“serves him right!”) angle on this site. really was not expecting that.

I’ve seen some women go on these shows in casual attire. Yeah the standards are ridiculous for us, so this may seem like we’re getting our comeuppance now that a dude is being ridiculed. But I’d rather no one be insulted for their looks 2 seconds into an interview and then be lambasted for not responding in the most

So I’m a Clinton supporter and, while I respect him a lot, I have no love for Bernie really. But I don’t exactly get why this was tone-deaf? Should he have completely renounced what Killer Mike said in its entirety? That would have had serious ramifications for his campaign and I can understand why he wouldn’t go that

Uh, the other hand/phone belongs to the black woman standing just behind him....

What ... what’s wrong with his response, exactly?

...Why are you putting gravy on top of presidents?

Someone needs to sit me down and explain it to me, too. I don’t get it. I don’t think Killer Mike said anything wrong. I don’t think Bernie said anything wrong. And like, yeah he’s an old white man, and we’ve had a lot of old white men. Hillary would be different, because she’s an old white woman. Technically Bernie

But would Sarah Palin have been “meaningful”? You’d better believe the GOP got her on the ticket as a patronizing “lure” for the women of the party, not because of her qualifications - “Look, ladies - we have a lady! We care!” I can't help but think that even a savvy politician like John McCain thought it was a

I agree, I would love to have a woman in the White House for those reasons. When I was a little girl I dreamed of the day I would see a woman president. But not just any woman, and not just because she’s a woman.

> (By the end of that message board thread, Lipschultz had been banned from NeoGAF.)

We used to have this thing called reading, which would have led to this issue being addressed and this comment being unnecessary.