
Yes. I was trying to figure out how to talk to my dad about LGBT rights and the only compelling thing I could think of was saying hey dad I’m gay. Now what? Is it ok for me to be fired for that reason alone? His position is that it’s his duty to tell people who aren’t being godly that it’s not ok and he and Jesus

On arriving home from school, the boys asked their parents what the pussy is and how to fuck her right in it.

How can someone this stupid understand the complexity of an NFL offense?

Wonder how many confederate flag wavers are telling Hillary supporters “you lost, get over it”?

I love wrestling.

As long as we get Ward in a LMD at the end...I’m good.

But what they lack in razzle dazzle they make up for with good fundamentals!

You can only wander around in the dark with a bathrobe on for so long before it gets boring.

Some GOP Congressional ass was just on CNN barking about how awful it is that a private citizen like Flynn in December was spied on. Thankfully, Don Lemon was smart enough to correct him that they were routine taps on the Russian ambassador and Flynn was the moron who walked into the trap. Yes. I said “Don Lemon was

The Russian Intelligence was the only kind of intelligence found in the Trump administration, which is pretty sad.

you are. renting phones is the biggest scams ever invented by the industry. I suggest you get out of whatever phone lease you are in and buy a 6s on craigslist for $250