
I want to play this game but having Aion sitting not too far away is tempting.. Don't think I'm willing to play Aion until FFXIV comes out..

@rich8606: i still think the boomerang controller they nearly had us buying looked more silly.

@JahB: doubt it has anything to do with price, more about how the product once sold wont bring anymore profit to them by selling additional games with it

@Deunan: Just One Second (Apex Remix) London Elektricity

@Shindokie: Just One Second (Apex Remix) London Elektricity

@thecrisisfromthesky: I've read somewhere that it's a requirement for a game developer to produce new content for a game if it's not released on their console first... hmm but where did i read that from

@gemetzel: what's the point? if you've already got a PSP is there a need to upgrade?

@BRMiles: I sure don't like waiting, but because of the xbox I have to wait EXTRA months for FFXIII now

@Gemini-Phoenix: when my friends one got the ylod sony offered to replace with a 120GB slim model

I would think so it does have the english dialogue included.

It's going to be an odd moment when Lightning find's out her younger sister is an occult whore.

@darkos87: guess she's much more popular than we first thought..

@flanker22: isn't l4d2 based on the l4d engine? i'm guessing people are pissed because this could've been solved with an expansion rather than a full fledged game the character models look similar and doesn't seem to push the graphics up anymore so it kinda pissed people off.

@TRT-X: is it still in production? possibly the expert tracks arn't fine tuned yet and didn't want to sour the taste by having beats that don't match or feel like there should've been a button press when there wasn't.

@PyroJack: isn't the purpose to give indie dev's a simple basic platform to express themselves on to hopefully have a chance to be further exposed by expanding onto the UMD and possibly a console title?

This leaked map must have a code that Konami wants us to find?!

@Sutekh_Slain: a book on japanese school girls? why haven't i ordered one yet?!

@Mister Jack is credit to team!: I don't really care too much, more interested in how the Japanese Gaming Community are going to react since they generally have a pretty negative perception of 360. Disc Snapping perhaps.

didn't the demo and most of the trailers have subtitles? i'm praying subtitles are included in the japanese release so i can import without having to wait. That and I wouldn't mind a japanese audio track.