
People might buy cars to not tinker under the hood, but when they do need to fix something, they could take it to 'any' mechanic to fix. This however, will greatly reduce who you can even take it to, thus makes it generally more expensive to replace/fix since there really isn't any need to have a competitive price.

No, since it wasn't a question to begin with.

You don't have to be a Google employee to see how obvious the rip was. Think the only difference is that Google doesn't insert ad's into the actual comment section.

Congress only respond to the cries of people who are concerned about the privacy issues. And in turn Google replies with a letter explaining themselves.

I've noticed that when I'm talking about sensitive information over the phone my dog is quietly sitting on the couch watching me. Sometims, just sometimes I wonder if he understands me and ask him a question, I just think he's pretending to not understand me and sell the information to a third party!

Did the burgers shrink, or did the people eating them get fatter, and their larger hands gave them the impression the burgers shrank in size?

more suicide nets!

Would those running Custom ROMs even show up in the statistics?

Oh, I better go turn on my mature filtering then if thats the case.

Those who will think it'll make life worse obviously wouldn't wear them.

The 3 guys next weren't amazed, they were upset they had to share with a bloody empty bike next to them.

Time to slap on the "God approves" sticker on it.

The thing I find funny is that everyone knows they represent apple users when nothing of the brand is mentioned, the phone is flashed for a moment as the screen sized is compared. But even before then, we all KNEW they were apple users. Why is that?

Nothing wrong with waiting in lines, I've done it for games before. It's pretty social since everyone is into the same thing and the hours just fly by as you chatter.

They mocked a group of people who we all identified as apple users without them having to say it.

Yeah, and you end up with flaming Zombies running after you.

Wait until the Raccoons come back to Occupy the garbage, then they will just sit there silently and take the pepper bullets.

its pointless unless they also know their address to use this key on. And that's assuming it's even a house key they copied.

Then all you'd have to do is take a short clip of them standing there blinking for it to bypass that one?

I think Asimo just moves about in a preprogrammed manner. And while Petman and Bigdog also move about with waypoints, they can auto adjust themselves on a variety of different terrain and have mechanisms which help prevent them from falling over. There was a video of Asimo falling from stairs a few years back.