Good job doubling down on insults. What about people who don’t like things that you eat? Is it insults and criticism all the way down?
There is a particular hostility that ‘Muricans have when exposed to a different culture’s food. Steamed buns, wood ear mushrooms, baby corn trigger an interrogation if they even so much as lay eyes on them. No I don’t know how they grow, how they pickle them, what the ingredients are, yes they’re cooked in dark sauce…
Whew... can I say it now? I haven’t liked her since 30 Rock. The privilege has been there. Oh it’s been there.
That’s my name, don’t wear it out.
I want to stick to the original subject.
And do not ever forget - those former slaves have absolutely no reason to participate in a government that has done nothing but reject them and their ideals for centuries.
Well said.
I’ll bite.
Spokeswoman Danielle Rhoades-Ha’s quoted response was a case study in understatement: “The email demonstrates the process of reporting and gathering facts.”
All of reality is a subtweet...
This is pretty much all you need to know about her. It’s all that a lot of Angelenos know about her! I think people are mostly fond of her, she’s one of the local oddballs who are totally harmless and also definitely living their own idiosyncratic dream.
Manhattan in Escape From New York.
It is a charity. The Disabled Army Veterans.
Ah, well, I’m sure you notice that most articles here are cursorily researched.
Agreed. I wonder if it’s *not* his child.
Sure, why not. Not only is mascara safe enough to use on your face, it’s safe enough to get in your eye.
People are weirdly hostile about this. I find it intriguing and it’s very nice to see such a female lifehack. Maybe more disclaimers could have warded off some of the pearl clutchers. I don’t think the idea is much more crazy than tampons. I’m more concerned about my partners washing their hands before sex. I mean…
How about body hair? Have I been lying to my partners because I shave my legs and armpits? How about the chin hairs I pluck and the mustache I wax? How about when I’ve had a Brazilian wax?
That felt good to read