
This happens with regularity in DC, and nothing ever gets done about it. The discourse here among many is that ATV and dirt bike riding is “DC culture”.

I road tripped through Switzerland one year after several years doing it via rail. While I’m not sure it was any better, it did offer a bit more flexibility. We did...

The Last of Us really nails the types of cars that would be around in the apocalypse. 

Sure, of course - I would venture to say that those people are probably generally exceptions to the trend. My dad doesn’t have a college degree and we came here as refugees, but he worked very hard and did incredibly well by the time I was heading to college, despite starting as a pizza delivery guy and bus station jan

I’m early millennial/gen-x and I think the main issue is that blue collar jobs for non-college educated people have absolutely disappeared. I have an MA and I’ve done pretty well for myself, as have many of my colleagues. Those that are stuck with just a HS degree, or an associate’s, though, are kind of fucked. You

While no professional cyclist, I have a coach and several racing bikes, and riding in a peloton like this for a race still terrifies me. I can ride this close with my riding buddy, but I’ve been doing that for years and we can basically read each others’ minds. Mix that in with the crosswinds and I’m surprised there

I live in DC and one of the quirks about driving here is that police do not enforce valid license plates. Any time you see a temporary tag in DC (usually Maryland), it means that the tag is likely fake. The police either can’t or won’t do anything about this. When tags are real, no amount of moving or parking

Aside from a handful of items, like a necklace with ashes, or a sentimental watch, I can’t see myself putting up any kind of fight for a material object that can be replaced. 2 blocks from my house an NFL player was shot because he tried to chase down the kids that tried carjacking his Hellcat. I just can’t imagine

Real question, since I’m a childless coastal elite. How often do people use the third row? I see so many parent friends get absolutely massive cars when they have at most two children. Does being a parent often involve driving around 5+ kids that often? Are the extra seats used for storage? I swear I am not being

Who says it hasn’t already?

I think most of these people are in lizard brain mode when they do this kinda stuff. Unfortunately it just doesn’t make sense, not thinking straight. 

 Audi drivers really are the new BMW drivers. 

Kicks its ass when it’s not in the shop?

Maybe I come from a place of too much privilege, but here where I live (DC), we can't enforce fines and citations for Maryland and Virginia drivers, and a lot of the time that you see accidents with pedestrians or cyclists, or accidents that cause serious harm to others, you can look up the  license plate to find

This is a pretty fascinating write-up. I’ve been to Vietnam several times, and one thing that constantly struck me was how friendly, open, and accommodating the people were. Sometime that accommodation jumped over into more of a desire to impress and dump only the most premium experiences on me. Every luxury resort

If you (or I, since I also drive a fair amount) are driving 35 mph (10 over) on a city street here where I live in DC, and you hit a cyclist, runner, or pedestrian, the amount of damage you do to that person is going to be exponentially worse than if you had been going 25. The damage you do by speeding, even by “a

What a fun quirk.

I got a speeding ticket in Switzerland a few years ago for exactly 1 kilometre per hour over the limit (after the 5k grace, so I was going 6k over, technically.) They sent it almost a year after the incident, and found me even though I had moved. I was impressed, honestly.

Looks halfway between a GTI and a Scirocco. I like it!

I ALSO was very close to one, but settled on an MR2 turbo since I wanted a more off the shelf racer. I still have the CR-Z on my list, though. You can get them for next to nothing.