
I am quite fond of Swype and use it as my default keyboard (HTC Incredible), but I do have one major annoyance.

Same here. Why pay upwards of $160 (including internet, which I would die without) to the local monopoly cable company does not come close to featuring much that I enjoy watching. Hell, even channels that used to offer interesting shows now feature OMG BAYBEEZ (GTFO, TLC) 14 hours a day.

"We can have the BMW, we can have the big old house, we can have anything that money can buy, but when you're 80-years-old, none of that has your back. Children do, and they'll be there for you."

Sex-differentiation in embryology. It's not evolution in the sense that it's "progress" or "new" as much as it is an accidental by-product of an evolutionary trait. It's more relevant to embryology.

Just my two cents, but it seems to me that when I can actually FIND the study I read about in the news, it isn't the researcher's working about the statistics that is misleading (or, if it is, it's purely because there are a lot of researchers who can't write for beans and depend on their educated audience to read

Dude, have you ever owned a beagle? They may not mind, but they are geniuses of the dog world when it comes to figuring out how to get what they want. My beagles have figured out how to open doors, turn on lights, deconstruct my fence, break into every kind of pet-proof device known to man .... and of course lull me

I've had nothing but good experiences with their tech support. They even seemed happy to be on the phone with me, which I know can be a challenge.

I really doubt that's the way it works. My experience with younger kids is that, for the most part, even the timid ones are much more adventurous than adults—count me in that group. It's the natural learning process, and kids are hard wired to do it. Ask a psychologist about children's play sometime, it's pretty

Uh, pretty sure they flush, just like a men's urinal does...

Now I have this horrifying mental image of trying to walk on my nipples. Argh! >_<

Could it possibly have something to do with the fact that so much of the "fresh" produce grocery stores have been receiving is actually warehoused stuff from last year? Because of the freakish weather it hasn't been a good growing season for a lot of farmers. That's not anyone's fault except the Big Pasta in the

I'm renaming it ipad encephalitis: inflammation of the brain caused by the viral ipad. Closely related to malum encephalitis, inflamation of the brain caused by viral Apple products. This is entirely different from micromullis irritatum, which is a mild but persistent general feeling of irritation caused by the

Actually, yes, we (as in, Hanford biologists) do know how many fish have been affected by radiation and other toxins released into the river.

@tfires: My old cell phone made butt-dials from my front pocket. Constantly.

That happened to me once, only it was my mom I called and she overheard me making baby talk at my dogs.

@SKiTz: The Oregon Trail started in many places, but the official "trail" started in Independence, Missouri, according to Wikipedia and my recollection of the video game.

That's nothing. My grandmother, can't figure out my Kindle. Direct quote: "If it's a book, where are the pages?"

@jabberwocky591: If you can possibly stand it, stop using all chemicals on your skin (EVERYTHING) for a period of about six weeks...and stop washing it so often! You're probably making your skin dry (or even damaged, if you're expoliating), and it will react by making a lot more oil. Windmilloflove already covered

@PeachesNCreamYa: Oh man! I thought I had just horribly awful oily skin until I got to college and just gave up on it. I use a gentle cleanser (Oil of Olay) every few days, and water the rest of the time, and my skin looks better than ever.

@Dr-Rockso: He must have an unusual number of fingers.