
I just re-upped on my unlimited plan, but I share a plan with my parents and my dad is talking about getting a smartphone. I could deal with having to pony up large wads of cash when I want my next Android upgrade to avoid a new limited-data contract, but being forced onto a shared plan because my dad's joined the

Ok, people, just calm the fuck down for a minute.

That completely depends on your style. I poked around for a bit on the Windows Phone OS and I hated it: too many clashing block colors and high-contrast issues. My brain just has something against overly rounded fonts... It bugs me on my Zune HD, too, which for the record I think is very well designed. I looked

This happens when I take my beagles over to my parents'. They feed my dogs with their dog when I'm not looking, and then when i get home the little buggers pace and beg until I whip out the Almighty Food Dishes.

I have to take umbidge with your opinion about the Windows Metro scheme: I think it's really, really ugly. What is with the ugly flat blocks, why is there no space between them, and WHY, WHY, WHY the bright, garish, clashing colors? It's murder on the eyes, and as far as I have seen there's no way to change what

Question: how much of this paper gets thrown into the toilet?

Hm, maybe I should add my personal gripe?

The spray coating you're referring to contains PET, which is known to leach (see: controversy, Nalgene/bably bottle, legality of). If you tested canned beer, or soda or fruit or anything else that comes in a can, you will find very small levels of this. Experiments have shown that people who eat a lot of canned food

As far as I know, no one "refills" the cylinders. What they do is exchange an empty one for a full one, plus a bit of a discount. Actually refilling the cylinders with pressurized CO2 is tricky business and I wouldn't trust your average store clerk to have the proper training to do it.

Ok, if this came for my Android, and was actually also a mug, I might get one for my work desk. Because propping my phone AGAINST my mug does not always manage to keep whatever liquid I am drinking IN said mug AND phone upright.

Hm. I "unsubscribed" from TicketBastard 3+ times and still got their emails until I screamed at them on Facebook to stop. Taking the anonymity out of it sure seemed to change their tune fast (despite the fact that I never followed through with them as they requested).

Also, please never refer to how "pocketable" a device is. I saw numerous reviews of the new Playstation Vita talk about how it's kind of hard to cram into your pocket. (I also saw a review once saying that the iPad COULD INDEED fit into an inner jacket pocket(!!) Truly.)


You can actually buy re-usable K-cup sized filters in which you can use real coffee grounds, which would cut back somewhat on all the plastic waste, espeically if you compost. They don't work for crap with tea (I tried it once, but a quick pass-through just doesn't do it for tea) but depending on the quality of beans

Blakdragon, I agree, it sounds like keratosis pilarus. I've had it ever since I was a kid, and it's itchy and unsightly. I developed a bad habit of picking the stuff out of the follicles because I thought it was acne (don't do it, it just causes even bigger blotchy areas if not scarring). On top of that, as an

That's 100% my experience with people like this, and by experience I mean, yes, I know women and men involved to degrees across the whole spectrum I'm about to describe. These creeps either become stalkers (best case), threaten violence until they get their way, or (worst case) involve their target in a

My blog would have to be called "Food I Thought was Impossibly Out of My Dog's Reach and How I Screwed THAT up." I'd be able to post 3-4 times a week.

And I thought I was suicidally depressed with being forced to read a 1384-page design document on a plant that is being built before it was designed and will not work, so that I can build a computer model on its chemistry which will be so buggy that it doesn't matter if it works, while being massively insomniac and

iAgree, but it's not going to go away anytime soon.

I feel like I shouldn't have to point this out, but from a biological standpoint, a lump of cells with human DNA is...a lump of cells with human DNA. This applies to fetuses, tonsels, cancerous tumors... They're all human life. So are eggs and sperm, for that matter, but no one crusades for the right to prevent