
no one can work out until their bones shrink. but any able bodied man can attain physical fitness, and look pretty great. being healthy and in shape is not what people market as beauty to women is my point. women are told to strive to be beautiful, not healthy - that is the difference.

it is not undoubtedly the greatest sport ever. there is massive, world wide doubt. what other sport makes you sit through several hours of commercials, and standing around staring at the ads in the stadium to watch ELEVEN MINUTES of game? football is an elaborate marketing scheme, and if you dont realize that you have

it is not undoubtedly the greatest sport ever. there is massive, world wide doubt. what other sport do you sit through 2 fucking hours of commercials to watch like 10 minutes of game? football is a giant pile of shit and if you like watching football currently, you have fallen for an elaborate marketing scheme.

i have yet to meet someone who takes fantasy football seriously, who was not also an insufferable douche.

if you would sincerely rather damage your brain than your legs, youre a gigantic idiot and i hope you tear your ACL on your first play of the first game of your career, and you do not recover.

david stern made me stop liking the NBA at all, as silly as that may sound. this guy seems cool as fuck.

The thing is, Barbie set an impossible standard. But it's entirely possible to get a super sculpted body if you just dedicate yourself to it.

its not worth gushing over, but whats the point in coming to this thread just to criticize it? i hate megadeth, but i dont go join the forum so i can trash the trailer for their new live album.

you mean honest, decent men dont kill thousands of people?

going seamlessly from cutscene to gameplay is my favorite thing ever, red dead redemption does it well also.

you are right, the games are shit. i will never play another one since you dont like them, im sorry i was so wrong in enjoying things you dont. my sincere apologies.


so we like bad things, cool. go away and post on an article about something you consider good. is your goal to sway fans of the game and get them to stop liking it? or does this massage your ego or something?

i enjoy it as well. i dont understand why people are here criticizing it, as if not buying the game and not playing it wasnt enough of a statement, they need the world to know how much they dont like it for... some reason.

thats the point. its supposed to be long winded, silly and ridiculous. just dont play the games if you dont like then, what are you actually gaining from these comments except letting your negatively loose upon the world?

this guy just wants to be negative for the sake of negativity, just let it go

he sounds like the typical ''video games arent legitimate art like films'' kinda guy, i would just drop it dude. he doesnt even like MGS, so its pretty clear he isnt worth your time anyways :P

youre sad because someone enjoys something you dont?

even though i know it isnt now, it still looks like CGI to me :/

I could not possibly care less for achievements. I played this game for like 35 hours so far, and I have had fun the entire time because I love the world hideo kojima has created. People also hated the cut scenes in mgs4, which I loved. I'm not sure what to tell you, honestly. I think this game was meant for people