
I would drive around a fucking Vespa if I could get ahold of one lol

I don't like anime but space dandy is the motherfucking shit

I do not have a car. And I get SO FUCKING BUTTHURT seeing people trash one that would literally change my life at this point. Fuck people.

Can you find a screen cap of his hair? Or describe it??

How much could if pick up a hat hatch for? They sound cool.

The ar15 isn't fuctionAlly different than a lot of weapons that you might not find so frightening. It just looks like an "assault rifle"

Dana white needs to fuck off and we need a proper system of leadership in place. A commission? I'm not sure. Anything but Dana white

I just appreciate the fact that someone on a gawker media site didn't describe an ar15 as an "intimidating black semi-automatic death dealing extended magazine collapsible stock charging handle night sights grenade launcher bazooka".

I say this all the time in battlefield

Have you raised children? My daughter would not sleep unless swaddled. I can See how swaddling a toddler may be a little crazy, but to say that about swaddling in general is pretty silly.

I watched the same small clip and I was able to clearly see a raccoon. Im sorry if you don't have the ability to see as clearly as I, but I don't think that makes me dumb or obnoxious. Maybe if this was a snapchat and disappeared after one view, I could accept that.. But the tail and face are so readily apparent I

Top gear has opened me up to a world of beautiful slang I never knew existed.

I just got a new iphone and my old Evo 3d had become my dedicated media player. It's nice getting through the entire day on the iphone while still having a full days use of my now media player. If I used my phone for all of it, I would be recharging by lunch.

Other than it clearly not being a cat. And clearly being a raccoon. I guess.


You just dropped a mother fucking TRUTH BOMB

Yes. And I was confused for about ten minutes until I saw this comment and scrolled back up... What the fuck. I'm going to bed.

I feel my ability to enunciate and think critically have been devastated by that videos soundtrack.

I love red eye and shep smith. Come at me.

All those neatly arranged cables... I find it oddly erotic.