if I never see a “fancy” polyester satin camisole with jeans and stiletto heels again in my life I will be something remotely approaching happy.
if I never see a “fancy” polyester satin camisole with jeans and stiletto heels again in my life I will be something remotely approaching happy.
Arya has always been a tempermental brat refuses to acknowledge her responsibility in anything. In season two she told Jaquen off for serving the Lannisters. When he reminded her that she was also serving the Lannister’s as a cup-bearer, she said she didn’t have a choice. He reminded her that she did.
King’s Landing (where Euron’s giant fleet was) and Dragonstone (where Dany/Yara/Ellaria’s giant fleet is) are pretty dang close to each other (see map), to it could be the fleets bumped into each other and Euron capitalized. Also, Euron is a wizard who’s seen and learnt some things. He has his methods.
Wait, you like the Sandsnakes? I always thought they were the weakest part of the show- very one note, weird dialogue (“but you need the bad pussy!”) that doesn’t flow like anyone else’s lines, a plot that makes very little sense (so the people of Dorne are just going to entirely abandon House Martell and allow…
It’s a tactical move. Jon would have wanted to put everything on the field to face Ramsay honourably. But Ramsay isn’t honourable: he willingly killed his own men to kill Jon’s, particularly his own calvary. Sansa knew this, and knew exactly what they would do. By letting Ramsay and Jon slug it out and swooping in…
Gawd, they need to tone the fuck out of Cersei’s wigs. I’ve never found them very convincing as the character’s natural hair colour, on account of them being so fucking BRASSY. Plus, her eyebrows aren’t sufficiently lightened to match. Why they didn’t just source more natural, less brassy, golden blonde hair to make…
Trump is literally what happens when you:
“Take away all those P.C. “rules and regulations” (like civil rights, or anti-fraud statutes) and let all the toxic, uneducated hordes speak their mind, unedited.”
Agreed, this is very upsetting for the men’s rights movement.
One song of his.. The video made me cry so hard.
“I’m a strong, tough, rugged, urban man who can stomach the gritty violence and strong themes of films like The Revenant, because I walk the mean streets of the naked city every day. I’m an apex predator and the metropolis is my pre...OH COME ON YOU GUYS, STOP BEING SO MEEEAAAAAN! It really hurts my feelings.”
Between this and that BBHMM cover from earlier this summer, I fear for Denise’s safety.
Would someone please explain to this woman’s attorney that “reasonable accommodations under the law” does not mean “build an entire goddamn database so she doesn’t have to deal with those awful gays in her office”? I cannot believe that’s his so-called solution. “Well, my client doesn’t want to do her job because…
Even better - my friend lives in Switzerland and they have daycares there on what they call a Creche (spelling?) system - you pay a percentage of your income, even if that income is zero. So so cool!
My OCD has the biggest boner right now.
Again, multiple factors. That is only one. There are many artists who do not bother to carry shades in their kit to match global skin tones, don’t know how to properly match and mix, and get jittery when a dark model sits in their chair. And that gets tolerated FAR too much. If I told an art director I couldn’t do a…
You have zero, and I do mean zero idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
Jon Stewart scrapped whatever plans he had for the Daily Show last night and devoted a pretty stunning two full…
When I quit my job in New York to go backpacking in South America, I agonized over what to pack. I couldn’t, for…
Okay, as a book-fan, this season has been plenty painful. PLENTY. But I just have to ask: Did the writers *really* have to make Meryn Trant a child molester? I know D&D are obsessed with erasing the moral grey areas that make the books great, but seriously. Trant killed Syrio and was complicit in Sansa’s abuse. Is…
if there’s one thing i’ve learned in watching game of thrones, if you tell your loved ones “i’ll be right back,” your ass is going to die, RIP, random wildling lady.