
can't say I completely agree but CW's spineless strategy has always been to brainwash teenagers with good looking and talentless hacks…but considering the ratio of white "good" people compared to ethnic "colored" people on the show, it should be pretty alarming…but considering most of CW's audience cant really think

yeah either way they just need to keep it consistent throughout the show instead of flipflopping

then it didn't make sense to kill off tommy merlyn as in tommy merlyn or split black canary and laurel or invent the random character of thea??

yeah if anything diggle should have gotten the mirakuru…roy getting it doesn't make sense unless hes going to lose it eventually

so that's what it is…yeah shes kind of turned into a monster now, doesn't help she cant act for her life

well that's on the people who voted for him

more commonly the latter

considering he can beat batman in hand to hand combat and has a healing factor, its possible he can die, but of course that's in the comics and the show is just an adaptation

yeah definitely for sure…there is too much of a lack of diversity on the show as it is…felicity actress isn't even jewish…

got to say it is far more ridiculous than Anthony weiner running for nyc mayor

its kind of bullsh*t they keep calling it an undertaking…pick up a freaken thesaurus stupid cw writers…its getting way too campy

hes also the resident black "oreo"…they keep stealing batman characters…

lol, was the guard the same one behind the counter? stupid TSA…

I agree, one of them has to go…too much estrogen on the show, especially with oliver emoting all the time

I think if you use that logic and the fact that both oliver and sara miraculously became so badass in just 5 years, all the writers must be pretty lazy

I highly doubt barry will get involved since he'll most likely have his own spinoff show…

haha this is probably my favorite comment here

pretty sure the writers are trying to take too big of a bite…and they are constantly copping off of batman storylines and situations

sometimes I think the writers for the show should just give up the charade and write comedy