
hes actually not that bad of an actor because hes holding pretty much everyone else's weight in his scenes…that's probably making him come off goofy with his fake Brooklyn wannabe accent..hes definitely mis-casted, but what can you do with when laurel and sara cant act

lol if only

its always going to be disputed

pretty sure there would be riots of they killed off Slade for sure

I'm pretty sure shes worse than skylar in this situation. not to mention laurel's psychotic ocd tendencies and rapid massive mood swings. she tends to value her feelings over someone's life

then I'm pretty sure that means you don't 100% disagree…

OMG…moira queen running for mayor is worse than weiner running for nyc mayor

its interesting how sara's hair changes from blonde to bleach during fight scenes hahaha

"raysh al-gool" is the real pronouciation…


forget the storyline…im so sick of looking at sara's man-chin and listening to her crappy lisp. I think the ratings for the show would actually go up if they cut her off…cant remember a worse superhero actress

I dunno why its so difficult to cast actresses in superhero shows/movies. its like they purposely over-act and overcompensate for a lack of true acting skills and don't understand the genre…e.g. sara, moira, laurel, and thea in that order (worst to a lesser evil)