
See? THATS how I played this! My trooper, who just happened to have the bald+beard skin that most resembled myself, in my mind was a veteran of the Stormtrooper Corps running around with these shinies trying to take these objectives.

I’d gladly take it. It’s not like Stormtrooper officers aren’t canon or anything.

Why youuuuuuuuuu! /shakefist

Got it. You’re not a fan of skins in your multiplayer games. Thank you for your insight.

You know, it did!

Old slang for bucketheads

I had no idea this was controversial, but I enjoyed playing a stormie with no bucket.

According to NECA, they don’t have the license for Overwatch. Just Heroes of the Storm at the moment

The Ninja Turtles thing was because the production company, 4Kids, was not SAG-AFTRA so the original cast COULDN’T do it if they were asked.

The backstory YOU’RE referring to is currently Legends.

The backstory she was given on The Clone Wars is canon.

There are no different levels of canon anymore. It either is canon or it’s Legends.

Except Uncle George always said it wasn’t

Hey, it’s your money so pre-order away if you want.

I’d check with your friends again, because you have some things mixed up.

Except that it’s about setting a precedent. If Nintendo doesn’t protect its trademarks every time, it opens up a bunch of liabilities.

Would be nice if they just updated and corrected the MGS4 Database

Well, to some fans these amiibo are the only time certain franchises are going to see any kind of merchandise.

To be fair, he was there to talk about Star Fox, not amiibo availabilty or anything. Just because it’s an interview doesn’t mean he can go off topic

THIS. T-Shirts are not made for tucking into your Dad Pants, so stop doing it!

It did, don’t worry

To be fair, that’s kind of what Porygon-Z is meant to be: a corrupted download