
Terribly not news. This entire post should be deleted and I want my click back

The words were purposely used to bait avclub and the like to push the book

Pay the fine. what's the difference. Let's find out how much it costs to say cockholster every night!

found on digg….

This analysis went full retard.
This is why SNL makes fun of AVClub each week.

Just call that what it is… a weed scale… who the hell is weighin their cashews?

Hilarious. That was a home run bit from Clay

I will see it, just as I've seen all of Tarrantino's movies, because, he is fucking brilliant.

whaa aaat is the deal?

AMC was lucky with Breaking Bad…. but the network has been showing it's true colors, and all of us, the viewers, see it too….

Can we give an award to the best film awards no one has ever cared about?

I think it's pretty dickish when the artist is saying "hey, stop using my stuff" and the copyright infringer is like "nah, the net, and freedom, and suck it"

Does TPIR pay out the change that's won on the big wheel if the contestant doesn't hit a dollar?

Requiem for a Dream had those great fast-cut shoot-up shots.  The movie doesn't depict a long "trip" per say, but the scene where they host a party and the camera is near the record player — that's a great one that could be in this list.