
Yeah, from what I've heard (take it with a grain of salt) is that Sony refused to localize the HD PS3 port of Portable 3 without trophy support added, and Nintendo offered localization assistance with future games. I like it on Nintendo systems, the 3DS is quite alive and kicking. While the Wii U is anemic, being

Could have fooled me, he just did it. What's the point of saying what you just said? XD

Then don't do those things. The past fun in MGS (before the Youtube/Twitch era) was accidentally discovering silly stuff like this.

You can wipe out jeeps with horse poop? Ok, that's a little ridic. Even for MGS. If they're gonna go with that, they need to go all-in with absurd potty humor. I want a feature where Snake can pull an upper-decker in the enemy restroom, thus putting the toilet out of order - and all the enemies in the area will be

I'm not sure why a lot of people these days immediately think of lawsuits or other legal paths. That stuff's expensive. Is it really worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to litigate against some neckbeards living in basements?

I've used one of these forever. It's great.

Good thing it's just in the Japanese materials. They can localize the name into something else when the game comes here. Maybe they meant Linkelle. Not that that's great, but at least it doesn't rhyme with a child synonym for urination.

Looks really nice. Shame it says "Call of Duty" on it.

Perhaps he doesn't use a stunt double for his own safety, but rather the safety of the props and scenery. He is The Destroyer, afterall.

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A lot of strong competition already, but I'll just leave this here. This has long been my favorite - artistically, thematically, and musically.

Oh, man.

Or...well, you don't need me to bring up the less desirable possibilities. The ones involving app stores and *shudders*.

I've heard that all three taste exactly the same, despite the differing ingredients.

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Seems like a no-brainer to me, surprised MASK didn't jump onboard with the Transformers revival the past few years.


With no arms how would any of his clothes even stay on? Talk about wardrobe malfunction city!

No need to be a male genital about it.