I mean why back up your article with investigative journalism when you can just snap an iPhone pic and type a few sentences.
I mean why back up your article with investigative journalism when you can just snap an iPhone pic and type a few sentences.
I mean I'm so stoked for these. But that tiny Menasor head.
All this discussion and bickering has me confused! FUCK IT! I'm taking all the antennas off!
The Hoff!?
Or since it's the future, maybe they're making a Z-98 or something.
Or if one of the principal ships that got a ton of screen time wasn't a sleek chrome thing, which was pretty alien to the whole "it's been the future for a very long, long time" comfortable worn look of the originals.
Wait, is she the actually daughter of Odin? There's a difference between having "The Power of Thor" and being Thor Odinson (or Odindaughter, or whatever)
Haha, and if memory serves- Zechs was the LIGHTNING COUNT. XD
Here's the catch, though: the people in attendance at QuakeCon are the only people who are going to see it. There is no streaming, no trailers, nothing. All those of us in the outside world have to go on are what we always have to go on in these circumstances: tweets.
I have one of these. It's Fantastic.
I have one of these. It's Fantastic.
I always figured "Link" was a typical translation error, and he was originally meant to be "Rink".
A shuffling app switcher, perhaps? Some OS's with compositing let you shuffle through apps like cards with alt-tab. I have no idea what the XB1's app switching looks like, but I do know that it was one of the touted features, to be able to flip from your game to TV and back. I guess it is a mirror of the…
The left one is the View button. The right one is called Menu. If you're unsure what exactly they do, I hope it gives you comfort to know that game developers and apparently even Microsoft are at least a little mixed up about what they're supposed to do, too.
One could argue it's also a Trent Reznor ripoff.
I just spit my coffee out!
Yeah, I bet. My daughter uses the Wii U on remote play a lot while we're watching TV. I just never put two and two together and realized that the TV was in fact totally optional.
That's a crazy idea that never occurred to me!