
what a boobs.

Retro City Rampage DX

I appreciate it, but I'd think that'd be more of a Pandora's box I'm not looking to open yet.

Man, if this thing had a remote it'd be an instant buy for me. I hope someone makes one, and that it's affordable. Kids.

I had seen porn by the age of 13, and my parents were great parents. I also was not a rapist. I suspect there are other factors at play here.

Oh, ok. Thanks

I wish it was slower. I'm sure part of the joke is what's on the screen, which I can't distinguish.


Thank goodness, finally! I'm probably not alone when I say I've been waiting for this! I can finally take up martial arts!

Yeah, exactly. I'd more blame the record producers though. They find someone that seems marketable but can't sing for crap, then pull the wool over everyone's eyes with autotune. Can't blame those artists for saying "yes" to a fuckbillion dollars to be a part of the sham.

That's just how Kotaku is, broseidon. It's not a "gaming news site" as much as it's a blogger community for their people to post stuff that interests them. Usually it's games, but not always. That's just how it is. I typically look at all the Gawker/Kinja sites as being just one one big site full of topics (some

I'd be more worried about all the melodic singers that use autotune. Artists that use it on purpose as part of their "gimmick" aren't the problem with it. XD

XCOM is broken as hell. Crashes all the time, and the last mission is unbeatable. Peruse the reviews, and you will notice these trends.

What makes the current line interesting is that they plan the repaints ahead of time, thus the figures are designed to work differently for two different guys - which I appreciate. Wheeljack was a Tracks repaint, and of course Sideswipe and Sunstreaker. It's pretty fun when you get one figure, and realize that

Other than having some of the same characters in it, it does differ pretty greatly. I think your memory is playing tricks on you. I've been re-reading it lately, it's aged much better than the cartoon. The story and tone is very, very different.

Shame it all went downhill from there.

Depends on what you consider to "be" GI Joe. I hate to be "the comics" guy, but yeah. The comics are "really" what GI Joe is to me. They were an 80's Marvel comic, and were just as good as other 80's Marvel comics like X-Men and such. It's a pretty drastic difference from the Joe cartoon. That same comic

I love the same amount of stuff I've always loved, which is a lot actually. However, Hollywood and TV have ramped up production of forgettable garbage. That's not my fault, I'm the consistent one. :)

I'm having one of those "I feel old" moments, as I barely recognize most of these "classics".