
I don't know, man. Sure if they're not to you preferred aesthetic, but look at all the post-movieverse figures. You'd have to be in some pretty big denial to not see that the complex engineering of the movie toys has led to Hasbro upping the game in the ongoing Classics/Universe/Whateveritscallednow line.

It doesn't look that "bad" to me. It looks like more of the same, I'll say that, so if you thought the other ones were "bad" then yes, you should think this is "bad".

Probably because that's worse.

MCA's rolling over in his grave.

Lol why'd someone make Sad Keanu? What's next, a prancing Cera?

Thanks, Richard!

I love this idea. I think I'll suggest they one-up this to something broader.

Good. I don't play this game, but I've certainly had my fair share of rage quitters in other games. I hope this works out, and it it does make it some sort of gaming standard.

I'm not sure I understand.

It always seems snubbed on these lists. Every time. I'm not sure why. I know it's not for everyone, perhaps there's just nobody on the staff that appreciates what it is.

I was an avid BG fan back in the day.

Something like the old Fallouts, despite being a huge fan of BG I agree with you.

Yeah, a lot of the "problem" with this is that it's based off of old Dungeons and Dragons, which by nature is a slow game. Campaigns and characters lasted for years in that tabletop game. Level progression was rare and hard earned.

Man, this is great. I've been on a GI Joe kick lately, re-reading and catching myself up on the old Marvel run with the intention of picking up with the IDW continuation of that continuity.

Is this mod all internal, and doesn't add any extra bulk to the system? Kind of important, as far as Monster Hunter goes, since the game uses the Circle Pad Pro which is basically a snap-on dock.

No, if anything it's an anti-administration message about the proliferation of military private contractors in the country. The fact that the "Other Iron Man" from the US military was black was not the film-maker's fault.

Yeah, exactly. Wii U is basically an overpowered HD DS. And I'm not saying that to be critical, I have a Wii U and I like it a lot, in spite of Nintendo's rather bungling directions it's gone with things.

Well, duh. But even so, Skeletor was fairly over-harmless even compared to his other child-friendly "evildoers".

My kingdom to see a Hind-D.