
I have no idea what the problem is. I have a Wii U. I sign in as me by tapping my Mii's face, then tap the icon to the game and it loads. That's two taps from power on to playing. All this seems to do is swap the two taps, not make anything simpler or faster. Has Plunkett ever used a Wii U?

Skeletor actually was relatively non-evil, as far as villains are concerned. Sure he looks mean, being a skull and all, but all he ever seemed to want is to get into Castle Grayskull. I don't think he ever killed anyone (or really ever attempted to) or did anything particularly nefarious besides tomfoolery. He was

My boss was a big fan. He blamed similar things, in particular (IIRC) he blamed a black and gold Skeletor repaint flooding the shelves.

It's really sad. Nintendo easily has always had one of the most valuable vault of sellable digital things. Every year it's the same question:

They're talking about minigames and tie-in stuff, right? Like how there is sometimes an iOS/Android game that ties into a AAA console game. I think they did this for Mass Effect 3, among others. It'd be pretty smart move, to be honest.

Now playing

Man, how times have changed. When I was a kiddie, it was just a breakfast cereal.

This is the best.

Maybe you're the fake!

I guess it's one of these? Interesting.

OSX Users who wish to remove LogMeIn -

Update. Apparently there's a uninstall command line script in /Library/Application Support/LogMeIn

Ugh, that sucks. I'll be doing the same, it seems.

Good thing, too. I was about to offer a kiss to their vagina in exchange for getting rid of him.

I can't stop laughing at these for some reason.

Agreed, it is an improvement.

Got any tips for eradicating it? I've got it installed on my Mac still (even though I rarely ever use it).

Shame they can't sue the Twilight Saga guys, too.

Yeah I use this a lot at work. :)